Sunday, May 18, 2008

minister's wife

Does your minister's wife feel loved and appreciated or neglected and misused?

One of our ministers' wives was recently asked if she was being looked after by our church. The older woman was perhaps surprised and pleased when this fresh, young minister's wife piped up that she had never felt so loved and looked after as she has over the last few months. She has been bathed in prayer. Her children have been loved by her sisters at church. And she does not doubt that others in the church respect and understand the immense and wonderful responsibility of being a godly mother to her two little girls.

If you would like to bless your pastor's wife, I recommend the following:

1. Commit to praying for her. Over the past 31 days, I have been praying for the above wife of our new pastor. Each day I sent her a card in the mail with Scripture written inside and a prayer I'd written for her based on the Bible passage. The blessings I received by doing this for her were small in comparison to the joy and gratitude I see in her eyes. Many times as I wrote out my prayers for her, the Scripture had so convicted me that I also lifted up prayers for myself. If you'd like to commit to praying for your pastor's wife, click here to take part in the 31 day challenge.

2. Also, click here for 25 Insightful Ways to Encourage your Pastor's Wife.


Alan said...

I find this really inspiring Christine..
It'd be really cool If Mike could do similar series of posts reflecting on Pastors.. :P

Ruth said...

Such a great idea again Christine. It's a strange way of life being a minister's wife, and I too am thankful for all the love and support from our new church.

(for example - was again on my own with the five kids on Sunday night while AB was at church...when 'C' had an asthma attack - and the other four kids were calling out for food, 'E' particularly loudly!...and I knew I couldn't contact AB easily - duh he's in the middle of church...but I had our church list of phone numbers and knew if I needed to, there were so many people I could have rung to drop off four children (incl. screaming baby) to on the way to hospital. It's great to feel that supported and loved. Thankfully, I found his medication, and we didn't need the hospital trip....this time!)

hardygreenwood said...

good on you for doing this Christine, and for being a beacon of encouragement in this way

Andrew B said...

i find myself reading a women's blog, yet i find it so encouraging.
and i know, it's not just for women.
because i can take things out of it.
you are an obvious blessing to those around you, and i pray that i can be the same.

ckjolly said...

Thanks Andrew ... ah, those good ol' 7th grade Bible days ...